Aila: A CCP Professor Made Fentanyl in China after Found it at MIT

1 year ago

08/11/2023 Aila on The Jeff Dornik Show: Miles exposed the origin of fentanyl a long time ago. A CCP professor found fentanyl at MIT, and then he returned to China and built a bioweapon lab making fentanyl. Many of the problems that the US are facing now can be traced back to the CCP directly. Once the US stops funding and decouples from the CCP, the CCP would become a paper tiger and no longer have that ability to harm the US.
08/11/2023 小飞象作客The Jeff Dornik Show:郭文贵先生很早就提过芬太尼问题的源头。一位中共国教授在麻省理工学院发现芬太尼,然后他回到中共国建立一个生物实验室生产芬太尼。美国现在面临的许多问题都可以直接追溯到中共。一旦美国停止资助中共并与其脱钩,中共就会变成一只纸老虎,不再有能力伤害美国。

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