U.S. High-tech Companies Supported the CCP's Technological Capability

1 year ago

08/09/2023 Nicole on Winn Tucson China Watch: The CCP's endless cyber-attacks are part of their unrestricted warfare against the entire free world. However, Silicon Valley and many U.S. high-tech companies have been funding the CCP’s technological capability. America needs to be disengaged from the CCP, not just diplomatically and economically, but also most importantly, technologically.
08/09/2023 妮可做客Winn Tucson China Watch: 中共无休止的网络攻击是对整个自由世界超限战的一部分。然而,美国硅谷及众多高科技公司一直在技术上支持中共。美国不仅要在外交和经济上与中共脱钩,更重要的是要在技术上与中共脱钩。

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