Microsoft Trained the CCP to Surveil the Chinese People

1 year ago

08/09/2023 Nicole on Winn Tucson China Watch: In 1998, Microsoft invested more than $80 million into the training facility in Beijing, which was dedicated to training the CCP government and high tech industry practitioners. With Microsoft's boot camp training of the CCP’s government entities and bad actors, the Chinese people become more targeted by cyber surveillance and cyber attack. Hence the Chinese people's human rights have actually deteriorated and people's standard of living has declined.
08/09/2023 妮可做客Winn Tucson China Watch:1998年,微软投资了8000多万美元在北京建立培训机构,专门培训中共政府和高科技产业从业者。微软“培训”中共政府机构和作恶者,导致了中国人民更易受到网络监控和攻击。 中国人民的人权实际上恶化了,生活水平下降了。

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