Nichole: America will Have a Massive Problem if Not Decouple with the CCP

1 year ago

08/09/2023 Nicole on Winn Tucson China Watch: For there is no accountability, the CCP is now sending more labs and agents to work actively on US soil. And the American taxpayer dollars are being funneled to the CCP’s PLA related companies through Wall Street. America will have a massive problem, if we don't cut off the ties with the CCP. Because every day, the CCP is capitalizing on the loopholes to cause more harm and damage to the US national security and public health.
08/09/2023 妮可做客Winn Tucson China Watch:由于没有受到追责,中共现在正积极地将更多实验室和代理人转移到美国境内。而且美国纳税人的钱正通过华尔街流向中共解放军相关公司。美国如果不与中共脱钩,将面临严重问题。因为中共每天都在利用漏洞,对美国国家安全和公共卫生造成更多的危害和损害。

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