Nicole: A CCP Bioweapon Lab Ironically Situated in California

1 year ago

08/09/2023 Nicole on Winn Tucson China Watch: Prestige transferred numerous vials containing disease-causing viruses and bacteria to a California warehouse, with a deliberate attempt to conceal their presence. The irony lies in the fact that environmentally-conscious California harbors a CCP-controlled biolab using taxpayer funds to contaminate the environment. The bioweapon program is orchestrated to eliminate Americans. There should be accountability for this.
08/09/2023 妮可做客Winn Tucson China Watch:Prestige公司将许多含有疾病病毒和细菌的小瓶转移到加利福尼亚的一个仓库,有意掩盖它们的存在。讽刺之处在于,注重环保的加利福尼亚州却容纳一个中共使用美国纳税人的钱控制的生物实验室污染环境。这个生物武器计划是消除美国人的手段。我们应该追责。

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