The CCP doesn't want people to talk about the floods; their sole concern is self-preservation

1 year ago

8/12/2023 Human right advocate for China, Matthew Tye: The CCP doesn't want people to talk about the truth behind the flood disaster; their sole concern is self-preservation. The CCP sent people not to conduct rescue efforts but rather to erect metal boards to shield the view of the bridges destroyed by the floodwaters. The CCP also aims to make people believe that only 33 individuals died in the flood disaster. Can we trust a single word that the CCP says?
#CCP #Chinese≠CCP #takedowntheCCP
8/12/2023 中国人权倡导者马修·泰:中共并不想让人们谈论这场洪灾的真相,中共在乎的只是一味自保。他们派的人不是去救灾民,而是去竖起铁板让人们看不到被洪水冲毁的大桥。中共还希望人们相信只有33人死于洪灾。我们能信中共说的任何一句话吗?
#中共 #中国人不等于中共 #消灭中共

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