The Actual Mark of the Beast-NOW THE END BEGINS.COM-AUGUST 13 2023

1 year ago

On this episode of Rightly Dividing, as we watch the Mark of the Beast System being assembled before our very eyes, while still in the Church Age mind you, we would do well to look a little deeper into the Mark of the Beast, and learn a little bit about the name, image and number of the Beast as well. The Antichrist, the main Beast though not the only beast, is part of a trinity which includes the Dragon and the False Prophet. When you remember that this 7-year kingdom is a counterfeit, things start falling into place. In Part 4 of our series on the Mark of the Beast, we focus tonight on the Mark of the Beast itself, how it will control the world financial system, and every one who attempts to access it. The Mark of the Beast will be the ultimate Social Credit Score.

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