Starmer is no human rights advocate if he’s listening to Tony Blair.

1 year ago

When even the horrific murder of Jamal Khashoggi doesn't put Tony Blair off deplorable regimes, Starmer should be avoiding not courting him.
Right, so Tony Blair, a man who’s name will be remembered more for the Iraq War than anything else, who’s name is synonymous with going to war on false pretences, making a fortune out of it, getting away with it and continuing to cash in ever since, with the latest example being his continued involvement with a regime following a state sponsored murder still on the take from them as he apparently is. The man amassed a personal fortune off the back of the Iraq War of some £100m according to former South African politician, turned author Andrew Feinstein and though there’s little argument Saddam Hussein was a dictator, let’s not pretend the war against him was over anything other than oil and a US presidents wet dream to finish what his daddy had started, making Bush no less of a danger to the world than other world leaders, the only difference is who our media choose to betray said leaders as, as war heroes or Bond villains in effect and Blair has always benefitted from such protection. He got rich and got away with it all, no wonder he wears the creepiest most unearned rictus grin going. Hussein aside though, Blair loves dictators! He made the most of the opportunity to cosy up to them when he perversely got made Middle East Peace Envoy after he stepped down as Prime Minister in 2007 and in 2009 set up Tony Blair Associates, effectively an opportunity to cash in on his new role. He’d started coveting special relationships before this though, Colonel Gaddafi was ‘Dear Mu’ammar’, having colluded with that regime to deport informants and their families back to Tripoli in 2007. He’s well known for his cosying up to Vladimir Putin too, having once given him silver cufflinks for his birthday, absolute besties clearly. Once Tony Blair Associates was set up though, he was away to cash in though and through the TBA has charged millions. He’s happily advised Kazakhstan dictator Nursultan Nazarbayev, who wanted strategic advice from him after his security forces gunned down 14 protesters who were after a pay rise. He was told he’d have blood on his hands if he didn’t stop advising the country as he was, the blatant conflict of interest it was, but with all the blood he had on him after Iraq I doubt he’d notice if he was literally drowning in it.


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