Strange Letters Reveal His Killer | Philip Shue | True Crime Documentary

1 year ago

It was April 16th, 2003 - a day like any other in San Antonio, Texas. Traffic along the I10 was carrying on as usual when, out of nowhere and without any warning, a gold Mercury Tracer swerved toward the median and struck something, causing the car to launch into the air, bounce around for more than 1000 ft, then crash back down onto the concrete. Every witness to the crash naturally assumed that something awful had likely happened to the driver, but here’s the kicker - the car, then, just kept driving along as if nothing even happened.

The car continued down the highway for several more miles, before finally veering off the road near the Johns Road exit, and crashing into a patch of trees. When investigators arrived at the scene of the crash, they very quickly learned… something wasn’t right here. The driver of the car had been mortally wounded, but his injuries weren’t caused by the crash. Craziest of all, the victim’s nipples had been removed, and he was missing a portion of his pinky finger. When detectives noticed that his hands and feet had also been duct taped together, well, that’s when they knew that they’d uncovered much more than a car crash. They’d just stumbled onto a very bizarre crime scene. This true crime documentary from 2023 will give you chills. Missing persons cases like this are often not solved years later.

➡️Video by @TyNotts
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DISCLAIMER: Even though these videos are for entertainment purposes,
one should always be aware of the lasting psychological problems
of the victims.

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