Word Magic! Author Pao Chang - Spiritual Warfare using Words - Legalese

1 year ago

Pao Chang is the author of Word Magic: Born Again and the creator of the Rumble channel Revelation Knowledge. In his early twenties, Pao became interested in finding the truth about 9/11, motivating him to go down the rabbit hole to explore the artificial world, also known as the matrix. As Pao went deeper down the rabbit hole, he became concerned about finding the path to exit the matrix. This caused him to study many subjects, such as conspiracy, secret society, new age, science, religion, spirituality, esoteric knowledge, word-magic, etymology, and law, hoping to find the key to spiritual freedom. In 2020, after going down the rabbit hole for nearly 16 years, Pao felt an impulse to study the Holy Bible more deeply. While studying the Holy Bible, God revealed some empowering revelations and spiritual knowledge to him, causing his faith in God to increase significantly. In 2021, Pao became a born-again man of God. He now devotes a significant amount of his time to studying the Holy Bible, God's Law, word-magic, and the power of words.

Pao's website: www.esotericknowledge.me

Youtube: Galactic Storyteller

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