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Connecting Heaven and Earth, We Become Two-Way Portals (of manifestation energy)
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We experiment with consciously engaging with the consciousness field of Earth and Source-Energy field, describing it along the way- so you can play with this too. We then move through the timelines of a manifestation to track it from its seed moment of conception, to the wider relevance of it in Kari's life...
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“My mission, is to teach people to be their full selves. - That’s always been it, whether it’s a child, or an adult or a toad, you know- it’s always been that.”
You can message me on this page using the email box if you would like to engage in one of these sessions yourself- to expand your tools, your awareness or to re-activate something specific. I work through donation- with a minimum fee of £30 for the hours’ session and afterwards, you decide how much you would like to donate for the experience.
Isabel Aimee is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: INSPIRITION: Activating Human Potential 8pm GMT session
Time: Aug 9, 2023 08:00 PM London
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00.44 Fun chat on colours synchronicities and cleaning up
2.15 Introducing the task : we talk about Source Energy coming down through us. And we have Earth energy coming up form our feet- when it is possible to cut through the matrix overlay of EMF- so WE are a two-way portal, from below and above.
4.04 Can we, if by being in a certain state, we can increase that marriage of the earth essence awakening and quacking through the connection to Source creation field?
We can go into our etheric bodies ( into our Soul room) and see what we can effect by being a conscious portal to these two energy streams: full presence of the earth, and Source-field
5.44 We start by creating a construct within our Soul rooms how are we going to allow and encourage the true essence of the earth spirit to come through us.
6.39 Kari feels like she is cleaning out the war that has been lodged inside her. Getting a spinning downward of energy form above- like christmas tree lights, wrapping snug around her, a happy feeling. She thinks it’s going to be extremely powerful.
7.44 We go first into our soul spaces. We count down from ten, on zero we find something in the soul room to enable us to fully connect with the true vital soul essence of out planet. We will allow it to move through us and then we will add the other dimension of full Source Energy connectivity, so that this massive portal energy connections made through us.
10.54 We begin to describe what we are experiencing: Kari’s Soul room looks like an egyptian goddess’ temple- pink and red. Beautiful wall-hangings, pillows, natural mineral hot tub…Kari bathing in there- the deluxe experience.
12.07 I describe what I am seeing. I begin with an introduction the Radu Cinamar books and an extraordinary ‘hole’ to another universe which was founding a secret deep cave.
15.06 So in my central space, I have a massive hole, where I can see space and all the stars ca 24’ diameter ca 8m. Radiating and encompassing the circumference are four lines of golden bars with four-pronged golden bands radiating out. It seems to be the holding structure of the creative consciousness field of the planet.
17.44 I am surprised that I am experiencing the Earth’ field like that, “Why are you just space?” -Because everything we live is a construct, this is like the etheric level of the planet, - the energy construct field. (Big energy appears when I state that. )
18.29 We boost each others’ signal, that’s why it’s fun to do this work with a partner.
18.44 My image has morphed slightly with the introduction of the thought of Kari’s waterfall: now I have a waterfall edge to the inside of my circle- the antithesis of the jokes made about the flat earth….like the circular portals in
19.44 It looks like the planet herself is a portal - like the saturate series. As are we….
20.28 Kari: “Well, you are just a little encyclopaedia, aren’t you?” :) And I explain yes and now- all we are doing is saying, “Let’s just open the book!”
20.44 I ask Kari is she can ask, look, find-out, know, decide ( her choice), what is going to give her the ability to feel the presence and vitality of the quickening energy of the New Earth.
21.14 Kari: “Before we began this before the countdown, Kari crawled down beneath a section of grassy earth, living up the grass and covering herself with it like a blanket- referencing Carlos Castaneda, and Don Jaun.
22.14 I ask Kari what is underneath her giving her information and empowerment?
22.34 I saw, “everyone can call this to themselves”- I saw a whole bunch of crystals, making little squeaks and sparkles. Different colours, large quartz structure, almost a foot in diameter, slightly different heights. transmitter signals… I ask Kari what they are bringing through to her.
23.39 Kari: “They are bringing through to me a frequency of purity.” I got, “Soul Sound”.
24.15 Because everything IS a sound, it just depends whether you have the frequency-matching ‘ears’ (receptors) to hear or perceive it.
24.44 Kari: “I am again downing my second chakras and what I am feeling today and now is just hit clearing out of everything that tis negative and fighting, “going against’ the purity. Sensing this clean, pure, essence of ME, without scarring, without damage, which stops accepting all of that as part of me- it’s not part of me. And I have to be attuned to this part of me to bring in the higher frequency NEW Earth, which we are all wanting, which is free of that debris. SO it is definitely a sense of me without the garbage.” -rejuvenation….
26.14 Describing a dream which woke me out of my dormant state: in front of a tall tower, castle keep, five stories high. I had moved through one of these high windows, finding myself on a tiny inner ledge. in the middle of this tower was nothing. I was high up, it was mostly dark, I was against the wall, with just enough room to fit my feet on the ledge. The dream was telling me to step out into the nothingness. I thought the was crazy-kooks, but in the end, i did, step out into the middle of nothing. I was just there, and I was fine and that was the end of the dream.
26.34 In my present experience, I find myself in the centre of this big hole ( in my soul room) just floating there…and I 29.20 was saying to myself, ‘because we are creating our own reality and this is the state we are in. We are creating the future of this planet with every thought we have. ‘
29.45 We are right in the middle of a space, creating something that isn’t there unless we create it: earth is what we create t to be- we kind of all know that. And what you allow through you , through the directions of your mind, that’s what comes into reality’s and that’s how we build it.
30.50 We go to get the other side of the energy portal: the heavenly Source-field down through us. And experience what happens when we are fully open to GodSource and in connection with the planet Earth and se wheat happens.
31.50 Kari: “When you talked about the crystals, I started feeling the heart of the crystals, the heart of the earth, pulsing”- indescribable beautiful….I encourage Kari to ‘wallow’ in that feeling.
33.34 10-zero energy coming down now….
33.44 When we are in this state and we look at nature- pictures, in our minds, our own vision for projects….if we do that, in this space of structural coupling between the Universal Infinite energy field and the specific energy field of the earth within which our visions are harboured, that’s when our vision can come to life: en chanted. If we are moved to express this in some way, we are bringing this essence into reality. If we feel a bad thought about the planet- swat it away like a little gnat and reconnect back to the vision.
35.55 I always experience this weight as though lots of Source energy is trying to get into my body…
36.06 I ask Kari what she has got: “ I one to kind of zero-field…nothingness. While you were talking it came to mind that whenever making love with a man, I would see visions of nature that were unbelievably beautiful, exquisite enchanted places that I could always associate with my spirit and his spirit merging together. …I learned that we are creating that, somehow we are part of that manifestation.
38.— Saying it’s the same thing…’in’ the centre of those two fields, I see the images of the beauty of nature around the edge of this large circle i am suspended within. The infinite possibility of creation when we are within this state- its not as though we are creating it, but we are witnessing. By witnessing we create it into our level of being.
39.20 I love this idea that we are enabling the projection screen of reality. We are channels fo information to me through form other places, where we’ve been to before the earth…
39.56 That’s why we are important, because we are these funny little antennae of witness to the existence of all that’s here. And that’s why we get to choose our reality, because what we choose to focus on, we witness into reality. I cite choosing a book in a bookshop as an analogy.
40.33 So that is our job, the fFOCUS-ENCOURAGEMENT.
40.50 Understanding our power in the creation process : a witness thing. A bringing forth and through.
41.10 I suggest it might be fun to ‘fly up’ and see the effect of these two combined fields…timing a little connection cord to the earth field so we are in no danger of leaving her, but I suggest tit would be fin to go up into the infinite Source Energy field, to see “what does a human Actually do here?”
42.00 Kari shares what she is experiencing: “I am mother earth and I am a female and that second chakra is the mother earth creation arena. And to honour mother nature, I must honour myself. i am the earth expressing herself with this body, and to remove the division between myself and earth- being alive on earth equals making love to mother earth..”
43.20 We females have the privilege of birthing through our womb. And then I was looking across at the men: the man standing there. And I wonder how this creative principle works for the man? When he ejaculates, the sperm is the symbol of the essence of his creativity into the world. It’s important to re member that this creative essence is within the men. From below and out , the energy flows- so naturally your arms would be very powerful, because the energy needs to be expressed- so no wonder the men have big, powerful shoulders and arms- that’s where the energy is. And their minds want to sometimes burn a little hot- (the testosterone burning the hair off ) because trey are excited about the thoughts, and that’s the nature of the man. The women have other ‘burning ‘ things going on in them. …in the other direction.
45.30 Kari quotes a MAN who said: “The female pyramid has the point at the bottom. And the invisible energy hits the point of the yoni and opens up to the spirit….And then the men, the intellect, the knowledge of all that is, or the knowledge of all dimensions and the intelligence of it, comes down and hits them ….”
46.15 I interrupt, saying I get it completely the other way around. (I actually believe we are BOTH BOTH….and there are illustrations to show this.)
50.30 I bring in discussion of the non human influence on our planet, not able to receive intuitively because they had rejected their connection to source, and how this influenced out masculine and feminine patterning.
52.00 Celebrating the true strengths of the masculine and the feminine.
53.00 We get ready to fly up, leaving the earth-field, and see what it looks like when a human being is creating reality.
54.00 I see a midnight blue space with pinpricks of light…we turn so we can look down on ourselves when we are creating some beautiful vision, a duck-down dive.
55.40 Scanning, i see superstrings of thought moving out for one moment of visionary through, how it moves out over the territory of earth and how is manifests itself into the three, four dimensions.
56.50 I asked Kari questions to give her focus. We go the place where she last successfully created her reality.
57.15 What was the first thing that came into your mind? How did you feel? Kari answers, and I can see her smiling.
58.00 We locate the moment when Kari had the VISION, the idea, of going there.
58.30 We arrive in that space of time when Kari realises it is actually possible.
59.00 We go back a little further to the place where the SEED of that idea was first implanted within Kari’s consciousness.
1.00.00 We are there, Kari is 32….she describes her situation.
1.01.11 We ride through time, coming back to NOW, to see, what the EFFECT of those decisions and that manifestation is upon Kari NOW in her essence.
Because we are teaching here, the idea is to trace from the inspiration, to the manifestation, to the experience and then the influence of this seeded moment: From seed to impact upon Kari’s life, perspective, growth, evolution, ascension.
1.02.38 We are demonstrating the power of INSPIRATION, and not to disregard it.
We need to understand this so that we CAN create the reality that we wish to see, feel and experience.
1/03 we take our soul rooms to be with us ( like UFO’s full fo symbols and objects to help us interpret our messages for our soul.) I cont down form ten and we arrive back in the NWO with an overview form Source perspective. I ask Kari to look fo r map, or a chart, or a screen, or it might be manifested in an object, or a message, or her horse may come to tel Kari something ( we met the horse yesterday.)
1.04.50 Kari has learned she has a deeper connection with he earth than she previously thought. That she can make dream come true. That she can have the spirituality in her life that she desires’ and live that.
1.05.35 I encourage Kari to look for message she has left for herself to give her some information . I see a rose not he table. Perhaps her mind is seeing the experience as thwarted. I encourage her to look beyond that mind idea. Just wiping the windshield back for the earthly perception. Encouraging her to SEE the knock on effect and the building it is sign now. We move forward five months in time. We are going to see a photo album when we get there.
1.07.00 We land I see sepia photos pf old gentleman in Edwardian pose…
1.08.00 Kari was experiencing contrast…and it brought up tears, with longing. I remind her she is five months in her future, and want to encourage her to move through her sadness. We look out of the windows….
1.09.22 Kari sees rocks and blue sky, it feels like her home. I see cacti.
1.09.55 She has to give herself full permission to allow herself to be there. I tell her to go back to the photo album to read the clue in there.
“Dear Kari, yes, you can have this.” And I get a witchy meanness…. because she hadn’t been allowing it to herself.
1.11.00 I know there is little secret message within an envelope as how to let herself have it. It could be a song, a little e-card.
01.11.45 Kari: “Are you kidding me, that you’re really not going to have this!? “ ( I sing Bobby McFerrins, don’t word, be happy…)
1.12.30 I ask if there is anything which needs to change in the world in order for Kari to be able to have this. We go back to our manifestation point of view. ( I am spinning the energy in, being excited.)
1.13.11 Kai is now reconnecting with all the dreams she had up there, seeing meetings and people there….remembering all her lovely teaching ideas.
1.13.45 I am seeing an amazing Airbnb property which I know is in Sedona, carved in rock…imaging it would be AMAZING for Kari to conduct her workshops in there.
1.14 Kari picks this up and runs with it….
1.14.30 I ask the question again, ‘What needs to change in the earth for this vision to come about?’
1.14.45 I explain , when people go back in time, they change small thing, so that the rest of the trajectory changes. We are looking at that kind of thing right now. I encourage her to flick through the book for the answers…..
1.15.30 Kari: “Well, what I just got is, ‘write the story’. “ I got, “fanfare!”.
1.15.50 Fun marketing. I suggest Akri could make a fu story of “the story of manifesting it” and coupling this to her work with couples. SO that the couples become a PART of this project Collaborative project of energy being released: as Kari gives the couples the information to release their hearts, and their potential fields ( of manifestation), part of the agreement is that they help create this centre. - Could be a percentage of the fee….So that stye feel they are participating in something that their experience means and matters something.
1.17.11 Kari wants videos of people who have experienced the techniques, demonstrating it or giving testimonies, so that people can decide to have it because they are hearing the results.
1.17.30 I say how much people love ownership of an idea, to feel included and special, to understand that their experience means something. We humans always validate ourselves by using someone else as our mirror, and I explain why the combination for Kari and I works so well, because we are witnessing each others’ experience.
1.18.10 I say, “This is fun, because I get to be a midwife, you see….”
1.18.18 Kari: “Man, I didn’t expect this today!”
1.18.20 As we are still ‘floating around’, I check with Kari if there is anything else she wants to get…
1.18.50 Kari thinks of her son, I see a magic iridescent raincoat….representative of Akri’s sparkles.
1.19.30 Kari gets excited about manifesting this fully….
1.19.50 Speaking quickly because I know we are now on time, I exhort Akri to give herself a tool so that she can be in manifestation mode easily. ( She gets a wand.) We dock down into our earth field again.
1.21.20 We come back to now….
1.21.40 We chat about the synchronicity of how I have had this vision too, where couples could reinvent, reenergise and and reinvigorate their love…and now we see it corresponds with Kari’s vision….using nature and being outside….
1.23.35 We know, when you have one experience, it’s harder to ‘tap back’ into it, you can but having three or more, you retain it. We are creating with every moment, so that it is now new ’normal’ ….see you soon!
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