New Zealand Christchurch Sky Watching Series - OT Chan Live Sky Watch-012 - New Setup Aug 2023

1 year ago

#newzealand #camera #skywatching #planespotting

Topics with Chapters (TimeStamps)
(0) complete after the show! its Live unscripted!

(rough time locations)
[00:00:00] (1) Gen Chat and wait for people to join the live show
[00:01:00] (2) New season of Sky Watching Bugs BLURFOS JETS Meteors Planets Stars
[00:01:50] (3) Bring up IP CentCom a New Win 10 App to show 6 camera views from
around the house.. Sun is setting and X20 Zoom camera is the first to switch from
Color Mode to IR mode Black and White
[00:10:00] (4) Vivaldi Browser with split windows now using.. no compass stream
using smartphone at the moment.. like last year.
[00:13:40] (5) Paul leaves cameras up with background music while grabs some dinner
as the sun sets and wait for night time sky watch
[00:30:30] (6) Paul comes back from meal to resume Star gazing plane spotting
[00:35:00] (7) Paul checks the real time apps and satellite of clouds rolling in
[00:43:20] (8) Paul tests out x20 zoom and how IR focuses beam on tree
is super clear footage
[00:54:51] (9) A skyfish BUG teleports mid screen on dual lens camera
[00:56:10] (10) Paul tries to figure out Star Map to what is seen North and East (dual cam)
and also check out current planes in the area.
[01:08:00] (11) First Plane Spotted for the night
[01:12:00] (12) No Moon and 4 percent light when does show!
[01:22:10] (13) 2nd Jet plane spotted
[01:34:00] (14) Fine tune magnitude of Star map.. cos of angle of sun
the starlinks are not visible.
[01:35:30] (15) 3rd Plane spotted and heading towards us this time. Paul
tries to zoom it.. but its hard with remote control and mouse and speed
is a little slow.
[01:35:50] (16) UFO? Paul checks plane map
[01:36:30] (16b) Nope a small plane ATR-600 even though couldnt see flashing
was at 10K feet.
[01:41:00] (17) A sea of bugs (aka skyfish/blurfos)
[01:41:37] (18) Stars that look like a Tr3b!
[01:54:00] (19) Spotting stars on Zoom camera not as sensitive as dual cam but
is a Sony Sensor in it but 2 year old camera.
[01:59:00] (20) Paul trying to see if IP Centcom app gestures could make
it easier to track a Plane
[02:15:00] (21) A Star is finally ZOOMED
[02:29:16] (22) Wow.. A closer view of a small Jet flying right over head
Paul checks flight path track and details and finds a photo of what it looks like.
[02:30:39] (22b) Paul misreads 25k feet not 2500 feet LOL.
[02:56:00] (23) Wrap up for the night with Earls song. Seventh Sister {Star}

Paul warps up for the night....
cheers Paul.

Thanks for watching, Liking, and commenting on video it really helps.. and join our serious UFO research group on Discord social text chat and optional voice group

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*** If you want to support my work with a donation as low
as $1 a month then thanks very much ***

ALL footage FAIR USE to reviews, criticism, fact checking and education
a transformative work with commentary with some Parody.

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