Do you know what is wormwood in Revelation

1 year ago

Wormwood is the name of a fallen star that is described in Revelation 8:10-11!
It is part of what Revelation calls the "trumpet judgements" of the seven seals.
The name "Wormwood" means that the star will make the water on Earth bitter, and poisonous, making it unsafe to drink.
People will be so needy that they will have no choice but to drink the poisoned water, this will cause chaos and fear in the world..
The fact that wormwood poisoned the water suggests that a lot of people will die, possibly in the millions!
This refers to what will happen in the last seven years of this age! this time period is called the great tribulation.
This judgement will cause a environmental tragedy, and clear the way for the Antichrist to become the most powerful person on Earth.
This punishment is only a small part of God's wrath; worse punishments are still to come.
The final fulfilment of these predictions is just one of the things that will happen before the coming millennium.

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