Do Aliens Exist? We Asked a NASA Scientist.

1 year ago

Do Aliens Exist?
We Asked a NASA Scientist.
That's a really interesting question and one that we have been trying to understand and
explore and figure out for a really long time. We have not yet discovered life on any
other planet. We haven't seen any scientifically supported evidence for extraterrestrial life.
But if we think about life on this planet, beyond the big things — the elephants, the whales, redwoods,
and focus on the tiny things, nearly everywhere on Earth that we've looked, we've found microbial life.
And our definition of habitable continues to expand. Off the Earth, we've only begun to look.
NASA has sent five rovers and four landers to the surface of Mars. In addition to that, our orbiters
have been outfitted with some amazing cameras to take pictures of the whole surface of the planet.
And we've only explored a tiny fraction of Mars. And that's only one of the promising bodies to
look for life in our solar system. There are icy moons in the outer solar system like
Enceladus and Europa look like they may have subsurface oceans that could be habitable.
And then that's just what's in our solar system. The more exoplanets we find around other stars,
the more we learn about how many different environments could exist for life. So we can't yet
say for sure whether or not aliens exist. But to quote Carl Sagan: The universe is a pretty
big place. If it's just us, it seems like an awful waste of space. So we will keep looking.
We Asked a NASA Scientist.

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