Banned From YouTube! WSG: Brandon Brice & Greg Dunmore 11-21-2021

1 year ago

Note: This episode was banned by YouTube based on one comment by a caller. They threatened to delete all of my content if this (a comment their censors disagreed with) happened 2 more times. This is why I stopped posting videos there. See if you can figure out what comment trigerred this.

Scotty Boman was granted permission to post this show by the Station Manager of WFDF AM. 910 AM Superstation, Denise "Dody" Johnson... Thank you!
Since that time WFDF AM has changed their format to ESPN coverage. Ms. Johnson posted a comment on the change here:
This is the November 21st 2021 episode of the Robert "Bob" Ficano show. Commissioner Willie Burton, DRACO founder Scotty Boman and activist Tom Choske on the panel.

Host: Former Wayne County Sheriff Robert Ficano.
Panelists: 5th District Police Commissioner Willie E. Burton and D.R.A.C.O. Founder ("Resident libertarian") Scotty Boman, and community activist Tom Choske.

8:00AM kickoff with our weekly panel for the full duration of the show.
9:00AM Welcome Brandon Brice, Conservative analyst.
9:30AM Greg Dunmore, Pulse Media CEO and entertainment critic.

Special thanks to engineer Shakita

The Show went from 8AM to 10AM every Sunday on 910 AM in Metro Detroit.
The studio is on the grounds of "Broadcast House" in Southfield Michigan.

Scotty Boman posted older episodes of this show on his YouTube Channel, but no longer does so due to their draconian censorship policies. The link to that playlist is here:

Studio location: Word Network. 20733 W 10 Mile Rd Southfield, MI 48075

This video is not primarily made for children.

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