Mosquito Bite - Possible Remedy | Bites From Insects | Healing Mosquito Bite | HealingCoursesOnline

1 year ago

Have you ever suffered with a Mosquito bite? Have you had bites from from Mosquitos, Mossies, Midgets, Miggies, Horse Flies, Clags, Ants, Bees, Wasps? Are any of these names familiar to you? I have been bitten by all of them including mosquitos at some time or another on a regular basis and I’d like to tell you about a possible homeopathic remedy called Apis that has really helped me.

It’s June, summer is on it’s way, and it’s that time of the year, when all our small insect friends particularly mosquitos increase and multiply and appear to be everywhere. We look forward to our well-deserved holidays at home or abroad, mouth-watering barbecues in the garden with a glass of wine or beer, leisurely walks in the woods or on the road.

Perhaps we look forward to a day free from mosquito bites and getting up at dawn with the sun rising and the sound of birds creating a dawn chorus or watering the flower or vegetable garden. Maybe we enjoy relaxing and enjoying the evening sunset with a glass of wine, a cold beer or a tea or coffee.
All this sounds wonderful until all of God’s stinging insects including mosquitos if its a hot climate appear to be able to communicate my every move to each other, and they see me as their morning, mid-day and evening food source, as they land on me, bite me, and sting me with persistence and determination.

I was never really affected by stings or bites from mosquitos until around 20 years ago when I went abroad on holidays for a break. I needed to recuperate following a severe bout of flu. My immune system must have been low because on my second day on holidays I was bitten from head to foot by mosquitos.
I suffered with itch and pain and I felt sick. My holiday was ruined. Nothing seemed to help the discomfort I felt. I returned home covered in swellings and lumps. I attended my homeopath who prescribed a remedy to me called ‘APIS.’ The relief from the mosquito bite was almost immediate in every way. For 20 years now I am always prepared with my little bottle of APIS. It worked for me and I hope it will work for you too.
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