Cockroach in PS4: Cockroaches love to live it up inside Playstation 4 consoles - TomoNews

1 year ago

’MURICA — Cockroaches can be found in sewers, walls, beds, floors, cereal and all sorts of nooks and crannies, but going by a recent video from electronic repair experts Tronics-Fix, they also nest inside Playstation 4s. The problem for gamers is that it causes the machine to malfunction. According to Gizmodo, who spoke to several repairmen about the problem, the problem is widespread. The PS4 is apparently the choice accommodation as its vents are ideally located for the bugs to come and go as they please. The machine’s power supply is also apparently warm enough to keep the bugs feeling toasty. The pests do eventually get zapped by the inner workings of Sony’s console, but then their corpses and poop melt into the hardware. What’s worse is that Sony reportedly won’t repair bug-ridden PS4s, but several independent repairmen, like Tronics Fix will.

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