Bored AZ Maricopa Board of Supervisors Given Lesson on Unconstitutional Election Interference

1 year ago

AZ Constitutional Smackdown:
During the meeting held on August 9th, 2023, constituents spoke on the Constitution in hopes of Waking Up the "bored" Public Servants called the Maricopa Board of Supervisors. Several constituents served the BOS with official documents regarding Unconstitutional Interference in our Elections.

These Patriots continue to attend and speak at the BOS meetings in order to educate the public, and public servants, about the unacceptable, unconstitutional, state of our elections. 🇺🇲

When officials take the oath of office, they are consenting to Support (Advocate for, Champion, and Uphold) the Constitution of the United States and the Constitution and laws of the State of Arizona, and impartially discharge the duties of their office.

▫️Are our public servants, who should be representing the will of the people, upholding the Constitution?
▫️Are our public officials being impartial in the execution of their duties?

In accordance with the Constitution, constituents have a right and a duty to attend public meetings, express their grievances, and remind office holders of their proper role as Public Servants.

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