Perseid meteor shower lights up skies 2023

1 year ago

The annual Perseid meteor shower has lit up skies across the world to the delight of those hoping to catch a glimpse of a shooting star.

The phenomenon brings up to 100 meteors an hour, as the Earth slams into the debris left behind from comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle.

As the debris hits the Earth's atmosphere it burns up, resulting in the bright flashes known as shooting stars, which can be seen with the naked eye.

The natural display happens at a similar time in July and August each year, and this year peaked between Saturday night and the early hours of Sunday.

Heavy cloud over much of the UK meant many stargazers were disappointed, although some sightings were possible over Yorkshire, north-east England and parts of southern Scotland.

Looking ahead to the chances of spotting a shooting star over the coming days, BBC weather forecaster Billy Payne said many should be able to get a glimpse despite less than perfect conditions.

"Tonight, we'll see cloud and rain spreading across much of England and Wales, so viewing opportunities will be limited," he said.

"East Anglia and the south-east and the far north of England may see some breaks for a time before cloud increases later.

"Scotland and Northern Ireland will have a few clear spells overnight but even here there will be some areas of cloud around.

"Tomorrow night should offer better conditions as cloud and rain gives way to clearer skies for many.

"Rain may drag its heels across northern England though, while the far north and west are likely to see areas of cloud come and go, particularly towards coasts and hills."

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