Speaking of Atlantic City: Recollections & Memories

1 year ago

Both Janet Robinson Bodoff & Leesa Toscano are two very accomplished ladies. Ms. Janet has been a graphic design artist, rock and roll critique, rolling stone writer, and has even interviewed Bob Marley. Ms. Leesa has done stand up comedy, has acted in various films, and even did a movie with Halle Berry. Both ladies have been long time friends with one common passion. Writing and and reminiscing about where they grew up. Atlantic City, NJ.

This led them to writing "Speaking of Atlantic City: Recollections & Memories". A memoir of stories collected by Atlantic City Natives who grew up in the city and remembering its early day. I happened to meet Ms. Leesa by chance and we where able to speak about the book. Both Ladies were kind enough to grace me with their presence and speak to me about the book and their experiences. It was a remarkable talk listening to how AC used to be and the stories that resonated with people and their lives.

Listen in and leave a comment at the bottom about your A.C. experiences.

Purchase: Speaking of Atlantic City: Recollections & Memories

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Speaking-Atlantic-City-Recollections-Chronicles/dp/1467150746

Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/speaking-of-atlantic-city-janet-robinson-bodoff/1142239411

Arcadia Publishing: https://www.arcadiapublishing.com/Products/9781467150743

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#atlanticcity #acnj #atlanticcitybeach

Video Layout:

0:00- Intro
2:00- Becoming Writers
3:50- Reading
5:30- Janet & Philly
7:02- Meeting Each Other
7:40- The Angel of the Arts
9:18- Coming Through for Each Other
13:16- Ms. Pauline
16:20- Personal Experiences
17:35- Favorite Stories (1st BF)
20:22- Board Walk Locations
21:46-Thankful Writer
25:06- Lessons Learned
27:30- Find Your Publisher
28:00-Goals for the Book
30:00-Miss America & Bob Marley
31:00- Working with Radio Legends (Philly)
32:30- Rolling Stone
34:35: Leesas' Acting
36:00- Leesas' Stand Up Comedy
37:55- Best Advice Ever Given

All music, pictures, and videos on this video belong to their respected owners. John the Ninja receives no compensation from the alternate links that are promoting any entities other than John the Ninja's media. John the Ninja does not receive any payments or compensation for copyrighted material featured on this channel. This video is for entertainment purposes only.

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