Demoman Sings -The Easter Lily - a.i cover

1 year ago

In a dimly lit pub in the heart of Dublin, the Demoman takes center stage, his face illuminated by the soft glow of candlelight. The atmosphere is thick with anticipation. The locals, having heard of the mercenaries' musical escapades, are eager to hear their rendition of "The Easter Lily."

Demoman begins, his voice deep and resonant, singing of remembrance and honor. As he reaches the chorus, Scout, Sniper, and surprisingly, Mr. Krabs (who somehow found his way from Bikini Bottom to Ireland) join in. Their voices, each distinct and unique, blend together in harmony.

As the final notes of the song fade, the pub erupts in applause. The mercenaries take a bow, with Mr. Krabs, in particular, looking quite pleased with himself.

The night continues with more songs, laughter, and camaraderie. The mercenaries, despite their differences, find common ground in the power of music and the shared spirit of rebellion and resistance.

And as they leave the pub, with the Easter Lily pinned to their coats, they carry with them the memories of a night they'll never forget.

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