Hating China and 4 facts about China-Philippines Row

1 year ago


Most of us Filipinos grew up thinking that the Americans and the West are the true heroes of the world. Through their controlled mainstream media we watched thousands of movies and TV shows painting all other races are evil.

We cherished war movies where American and British soldiers killed Germans, Japanese, Arabs, Vietanamese, Koreans, Russians and Africans who are the 'evil' forces in their movies. Little did we know that American Soldiers also killed our Filipino heroes and a million of our ancestors who fought them during Filipino-American War in early 1900s.

No official movies or books were shown or publish that tells the side of the story that Americans were our enemies before. Like how the British killed hundred millions of native American Indians. How the Americans dropped atomic bombs to two Japanese Cities full of women, children and civilians. Like how Americans, British and French forces invaded Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and Syria in the pretense of fighting terrorism and restoring democracy, but were actually "robbing" their natural resources.

We believed 100 percent what the hollywood and mainstream media told us. We swallowed the narrative of the West as truths and facts without asking a single question. We cheered them invading weak nations and killing Women and Children.

We saw Vietnam (Saigon), Koreans, Arabs and Africans kill their own brothers because the Americans and the West divided them and poisoned their minds into hating each other. Freedom, Democracy, Fight against Communism and fight against Terrorism are the common excuse of America and the West to divide, conquer and rob nations.

The West controlled the world with lies and deception by sowing lies, hate, anger and distrust among nations, races and culture. They divide and conquer rising and thriving nations and regions to maintain their world hegemony.

When was the last time the Philippines waged a war against another country?

We fought our colonizer Spain. We fought our colonizer United States. We fought invader Japan. But we never fought Malaysia for annexing Sabah. Because the British were behind them. The Americans turned blind eye on Sabah because they never cared.

Now here we are thinking China is our enemy.

China is our closest neighbor and Asian brother. We shared common seas, common culture and common blood for thousands of years. We shared the same fate of being invaded, bullied and colonized by the West. We shared the same history. They helped us against our colonizers many times but they were never publicized and given focus.

China, like most of us Asian nations are peaceful people. They love to trade. They mind their own business. And they are industrious.

China never invaded other countries including us. China did not kill our ancestors. China did not impose their culture to us. China did not force us to speak their language. China did not meddle in our internal politics. But the United States did.

China, for all its imperfection and flaws as a nation rose from nothing to become the worlds number 1 economy. They achieved this inspite of all the bullying, undermining and demonizing by America and the West. They kept telling us that China is bad and evil. Now look at China, rich and supplying affordable quality goods for all the people of the world.

China does not discriminate nations. They do business fair and square. Unlike America and the West who deprive technologies to small nations and dictate their will on them.

Now suddenly China is an evil country?

Philippines have no quarel with China. Those rocks and beaches in the West Philippines seas or Spratlys Islands are mostly un-inhabitable submerged islets no bigger than Siquijor Island in total. These islands were being claimed not just by China and the Philippines, but by 6 countries including Vietnam, Malaysia, Taiwan and Brunei.

We have more seas and waters to fish in Palawan and on the Pacific Ocean side that is ours exclusively. That area in South China Sea under dispute does not even represent 1% of the seas and waters that surround Philippines if fishing rights is the true issue.

Sadly, our mainstream media are telling us another story. They want Filipinos to think China is invading us. Lies and deceptions are their specialty.

The real story is that, the United States is already in cold war with China because China has become the dominant economic power of the world threatening to overtake the US in military might by 2028.

The US must invade and defeat China in the next 5 years or China will become a Military Superpower beyond US capacity. Taiwan is just an excuse. Spratlys Island is just another excuse. Freedom of navigation is just another excuse. It's all about economic and military dominance.

If the US succeeds in sparking a shooting war in South China Sea, all ships bringing affordable China products to the world will be disrupted. All raw materials going to China via ships will stop. An effective way to sabotage china from growing economically.

China knows the US will force a war against them by hook or by crook. They can do false flag attack or shoot civilian ships or aircraft and blame it on China. They already did this trick in Ukraine and Iran before. But China is making sure no attacks or killings happens. A peaceful South China Sea favors China. A war zone South China Sea favors the US and the West.

Filipinos must be mindful of the tricks and deception of the US controlled media. We are being fed to the Dragon. China shoots us water cannon because we are not their true enemy. But they shoot real torpedoes to US Nuclear Submarines who enters their water territory. They shoot a US hunter Sub last year and embarrased the US Big time.

China can invade Philippines if it wants to. But they won't. It's not their DNA. Its not their way of life and culture. They just want to continue grow economically though business and trade as they did for thousnads of years.

The West and the US already invaded us. They already killed tens of millions of women and children in the last 100 years. They have started and engaged in hundreds of wars to grow economically. That's their DNA. That's their way of life and their culture.

Now tell me, why do we hate China?

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