Stupid bitch who wrongfully shamed you for being unvaccinated gets blood clots in her foot

1 year ago

A stupid bitch by the name of Sally Diane wrongfully shamed us purebloods like so many other demonic idiots have before in their disastrously failed attempt to convince me and the rest of the unvaccinated to kill ourselves with poison. As if I'd ever cave in to the peer pressure of brainwashed sheep. As if I'd ever care about their stupid, worthless and clearly misguided opinion. Get the fuck out of here with that nonsense, I'd rather be shot in the face than ever take this poison. At least getting shot in the face would be a far more humane death than getting the clotshot will ever be. The delusion is strong in this bitch. I will never tire of laughter towards morons like her deluding herself into thinking that poison could ever be "safe and effective". Idiots. We wouldn't be in a literal genocide if it weren't for you vaccinated retards, and all the dipshits that keep defending them and saying we shouldn't criticize the vaccinated. Really now? It's okay for the unvaccinated to be shamed but not the vaccinated? I am so sick and tired of this double standard. We have every right to mock the vaccinated. They tried to starve us to death through their support of vaccine mandates, but making fun of them is going too far? They are the ones who are going too far, not the unvaccinated. We did nothing wrong.

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