Covid-19 Was Only The Beginning.

1 year ago

European Union Parliment - Christine Anderson - Lays out the Overwhelming Truth behind the Covid-19 Plandemic and how it was Only the Beginning. The Lockdowns, Restrictions, Food & Supply Shortages, Social Persecution, and Satanic/Sedistic Medical Tyranny, was just a "Pre-game warm up" used to test the depth of their Control and Ability to Manipulate Public Opinion and Compromise the Populations Capacity for Logical Thought Process. The Elites that are at the Heart of this Agenda are Groups such as the 'World Economic Forum' (WEF), 'The Bilderburgs', 'The Davos Group', 'The Rothschilds', George Sorros & Affilliates, Bill & Malinda Gates Foundation and more, using their Stolen Wealth and Political Control/Power to Interject and Corrupt the Government Establisment at its Core. The Purpose of this Globalist Drill was to Redevelope and Strengthen their Strategic Aproach Toward Implimenting Complete Tyranical Control. With 'Climate Change' being behind Every Reason (Natural disaster, Viral disease, Air Quality etc...) for Establishing New Permanent Restrictions that will Strip all Citizens of Their Rights and Freedoms, we will once again be faced with Absurd Masking Requirements, Illegal Experimental Vaccine Mandates, Travel/Fuel Restrictions, and Food & Supply Rationing, and a 'Mark of the Beast' Based Currency/Identification System Designed to Enslave through a Forced Digital Social Credit Score run Society. Are you Prepared to Take Care of Yourself Outside of this System? Your Family? Will Your Community Survive? DETERMINATION DETERMINES NATIONS! Don't wait to Become Dependent on the Impending Self-Destructive System that will Reward the Lazy & Incompetent, and punish the Creative & Ambitious. Admittedly, They will Round up their Political and Ideological Opposition/Dissidents to be "Relocated" and "ReEducated".... Do Not Be Fooled. Don't Behave, BE BRAVE! Submission is Death, Resistance is Victory.
Canadian Patriot 🇨🇦Christ is King✝️ 🙏

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