Infrared sauna vs steam sauna. First time infrared sauna user reports how the difference feels

1 year ago

Kingly tried the Relax Sauna twice. "There is something that just clicks. It's like you hit a wave of release and tension is just released from my sholders mainly, I'm always working on my poster but I definitely felt it in my back and my feet. I had my feet resting on the generators and the muscles were relaxing my feet actually drooped down a bit because the muscles were elongated.
So there is definitely catharsis.
So earlier you were telling me how great you felt.
Yeah the second you step out there is a boost of alertness and awareness. In a way it just makes you feel alive.
You've never heard of the Relax Sauna before?
No. I've used other saunas before.
This is different.
Not an infrared. This is my first time trying an infrared sauna. The others were steam saunas.
But definitely different?
Yeah, more comfortable too."

What makes the Relax sauna different from other far infrared saunas? Find out -

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