Tony Jaa vs Scott Adkins | Muay Thai vs Taekwondo

1 year ago

Action fans all over the world have that dream matchup in their minds. The fight between two or more of your most favorite martial arts action stars that you always wish you could see throwdown on the big screen. Whether it’s Chuck Norris taking on Bruce Lee in ‘Return of the Dragon’ or Jet Li and Mark Dacascos throwing down in ‘Cradle to the Grave’, there’s always that clash of titans that you always wanted to see, and thanks to director Jesse V. Johnson that’s exactly what you did see in the epic action ensemble ‘Triple Threat’. The film is a collection of some of the most prolific and high profile stars in the genre which includes Tony Jaa and Scott Adkins. In this video we are going to take a closer look at these two talented fighters, and what we think may happen if we were to put them against each other in a hypothetical showdown.

Tony Jaa: Muay Boran, Muay Thai, Wushu, Judo and Tae Kwando
Scott Adkins: Taekwondo

Narrator: Tysmithvoice
Researcher/Writer: Martinptalbot
Video Editor: Raljon

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