Kashif Khan - How Endotoxins and Estrogen Can Wreck Your Health

1 year ago

Aug 07, 2023
Source: www.rumble.com/v35h06s-how-endotoxins-and-estrogen-can-wreck-your-health-interview-with-kashif-kha.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Mercola&ep=2

Kashif Khan, founder and CEO of The DNA Company, which analyzes your DNA and keeps your data private, unlike 23andMe and other companies that sell your genetic data to third parties like drug companies.
Our discussion here is not about DNA analysis, however, but rather endotoxin and mycotoxin, which can play an important role in many chronic degenerative diseases, and estrogen excess, which can produce symptoms identical to endotoxin. Khan is quite knowledgeable in this area.

Endotoxin and mycotoxins play an important role in many chronic degenerative diseases.

Endotoxin, also known as lipopolysaccharide (LPS), is produced by gram-negative bacteria in your gut. When complex carbs aren’t digested in your stomach, they travel down to the intestine where they feed these bacteria, and as the bacteria grow, multiply and die, the bacteria release LPS, which can result in leaky gut, allergic reactions, organ dysfunction and even sepsis.

Endotoxin also catalyzes metabolic reactions that convert tryptophan in your gut to serotonin. You do not want high levels of serotonin because it’s antimetabolic. It suppresses your body's ability to create energy in the electron transport chain, so you become tired and fatigued, your metabolic rate slows and you gain weight.

Estrogen excess can produce symptoms that are identical to endotoxin toxicity, and an estimated 30% of endotoxin cases are misdiagnosed, and are related to excess estrogen.

Estrogen is one of our biggest toxic threats today, as both men and women are exposed to high amounts of estrogenic compounds in their diet and environment. Most already have too much estrogen, which is a major driver of certain cancers.

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