The New Atheism Part One

1 year ago

Having battled the absurdities of Atheism very strongly in the chat rooms of the early internet and believing it thoroughly debunked, I wasn't prepared for the battle with the New Atheist Movement in the early two-thousands.

(1) Since science, itself, through the increased power of observation via technology, was destroying Darwinism . . . after all, nothing destroyed Darwinism better than the electron microscope. Any idiot who could observe a so-called simple cell could, I thought, understand the primitive ignorance of an English Gentleman, applying fallen reason to the origins of life and reasoning it must have come from mud.

I tell you the honest fact, the ignorance of Atheism and its off-spring, extreme materialism, I.E., Darwinism, and all subsequent supposed more sophisticated forms of evolution exacerbate incredulity in me, and my heart screams; how could and can people be so stupid. That was not my stance just in the 1990s but in the 1960s and every year in between. Natural Law is not Christianity, but even Natural Law makes a fool of the Atheist.

So when I saw the circular rationalism of Sam Harris, I could not take him seriously. My God! Simple cognition disproves the entire mythology, yet people cannot see it. When approached by young people being sucked in the lying vortex of the New Atheism, it was hard for me to be patient with them. Why? Decades before, and over and over again, I had proved the science of evolution to be mythology and fraud and Atheism to be rationally untenable. Yet, there they were, sucked into Sam Harris' insane vortex of irrationality parading as reason.

(2) I kept thinking, why can't they see the demonic reality of it, the shallow hypnotism, the call and temptation to Luciferian Liberty? Remove God, and all reason ceases. That's a fact, that is absolutely a fact; Remove God, and all sense, all humanitarianism, all humane structures, all morals, all ethics, all reason; in fact, all sanity ceases. The Chaos may arrive in stages as layers of truth are abandoned, but ultimately, insanity was the only outcome.

How did I know this?
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