Ep 335 If You Can Fail Without Being Discouraged Success Becomes Inevitable With Cam F Awesome

1 year ago

Ep #335 If You Can Fail Without Being Discouraged Success Becomes Inevitable Interview With Cam F Awesome Motivational Speaker

I got to interview Cam F Awesome.

Cam F. Awesome, aka "The Motivational Comic," is a former Olympic Heavyweight, Multi-time National Champion boxer with over 400 wins under his belt.

He rose to fame after being featured in the Netflix documentary "Counter Punch," which chronicled his olympic journey.

Today, Cam uses his wit, humor, and life experiences to inspire and entertain audiences around the country as a motivational speaker and comic.

With his one-of-a-kind blend of comedy and motivation, Cam helps people of all ages tap into their inner strength and achieve their goals.
Whether he's sharing his personal stories of triumph and adversity or cracking jokes that will have you rolling on the floor, Cam F Awesome is sure to leave you feeling energized, motivated, and entertained.

We Spoke About:

1:05 Valuing time. 
2:55 Be your biggest fan.
4:15 Knowing your own greatness.
7:00 A missed drug test is a positive drug test.
7:35 Keep going.
8:25 Moderation leads to mediocrity.
9:15 Losing momentum.
11:50 How quickly we can adapt.
13:30 Changing last name to Awesome.
17:10 Failing to qualify for the Olympics.
20:25 Living in a van for 3 years
22:10 Unsuccessful people have some of the best advice in the world.
24:00 Qualifying for Olympics for Trinidad & Tobago but again derailed this time by pandemic.
27:15 If you can fail without being discouraged success becomes inevitable.
27:45 Learning more from losses than wins.
32:50 Not being humble.
38:45 10 things I'm grateful for.
44:15 Energy is contagious.
47:00 Take the time to cultivate your reality.

#boxing #olympics #camfawesome #digitalsavageexperience #podcast #romanprokopchuk

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