The Gospel of Jesus - There is No Substitution for God's Promises pt 2

1 year ago

There is no substitution for developing a relationship with Jesus. Our Journey with God can and should be awesome. Our desire to develop a strong relationship with Him should override our desires to find happiness in the world. We are learning that there is no other means by which we can get to heaven, it is only through Christ that we will get there. God's perfect plan to bring the New Covenant to the world in His Son Jesus shows just how much God really does love us!

If you are trying to find happiness, peace, strength, hope or love by excluding Jesus Christ or God the Father, then you are looking for those things in all the wrong places. It is in that special relationship we have with our Lord and Savior and His Father that these things will come to us. You cannot substitute the world for the kingdom of heaven and find the love that God truly has for you. It is in Him and through Him that our lives will continue to mature as Christians, representing God with the respect and the glory that He deserves.

What are you waiting for? Time is now and time is short to finally live the life God has given you. To honor God and live freely in His will for the rest of our days. In that you will find your peace, faith, love, hope and eternal resting place in heaven. Amen! Amen!

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