Woman killed in South Bend, Ind. home invasion

1 year ago


46-year-old Rachel Ann Havrick was fatally shot in South Bend, IN.

Arrested were Ddrea Bostic, 35, Devon Briggs, 20, and Erica Elie, 30.

Havrick was killed in her home during a burglary "gone wrong", wndu.com reported.

"[T]wo of Havrick’s children were home to see it all unfold," the report said.

One of the suspects, Ddrea Bostic, was also the boyfriend of one of Havrick's adult children. He was apparently aware of a safe in the home that contained multiple guns. The plan was to invade the home unexpectedly and demand the safe be opened.

Havrick was pistol-whipped and shot when she told Bostic that she did not know the safe's combination.

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