19-52D: Awakening Codes • •

1 year ago

19-52D: Awakening Codes
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The liquid golden threads and waves of silver fluids flow in alchemical harmony with the atomic, mineral, cellular, genetic, emotional, mental, social and ecological systems.

The alchemical union occurs when feminine human, planetary geo-magnetic coils and masculine astrological electric radiant streams connect in oneness. The sacred geometric grids form the unified greater essence. Upon unification of energies the doorway opens as the alignment centers the central strand and Humanity synchronizes with the universe.

Golden Galactic Doorway

Your consciousness is set upon a physical foundation with reality interpreted in that context. Physical reality is a time space linear particularized construction that follows the tenants of specific defined parameters with limited expression. Fourth dimensional metaphysical perspective or reality relies on energetic content that disperses reality into invisible waves of energetic probabilities. Whereas the third dimension is solid, linear and chronological the fourth dimension is circular, formless and synchronistic. These two dimensions function in direct, reciprocal correlation. The fifth dimensional unifying interweaving threads of conscious awareness provides resolution of the opposite characteristics. The third dimension is the realm of concrete manifested things, the fourth dimension allows for unrealized invisible un-manifest waves of probability.

The fifth dimension is the eternal now of experience and the point of the power of the current through that the other two layers, streams, strands, perspectives of reality follow. The fifth dimensional realm is the ever present omni-centric expanding empowered Now and the fundamental point of sentient consciousness awareness. It is reality, the point of perspective where idea, thought, choice and experienced form manifests. The fourth dimension allows freedom of choice, imagination and the embodiment of creation to exist within probability waves. The third dimension is the manifestation of experiential content on specific limited grid lines in space-time.

The fifth dimension becomes that unified topological field where resolution of the disparate lower dimensions occurs and where communicative connection is made with higher dimensions. The fourth dimension is where ego centered consciousness has access into the higher dimensions through dream and altered states. There has been a change within humanity where the egoic or lower conscious mind that operates rooted in the third dimension is now being raised into the fifth dimensional consciousness where its roots are universal rather than individual. From human perspective now the higher self is within rather than up. It is within into unity and oneness and then collectively it is up into divine consciousness. When the universal human is organized under the shared and telepathic collective consciousness then the singular and limited analytical consciousness must die and release control of the mental and emotional bodies. The ego has misunderstood the energy of source and comprehends an idea of the attached soul or energy body to the physical. It is a third dimensional temporal personality construct and is unable to perceive the higher energies associated with a collective multidimensional oneness.

As time compresses and ends according to the agreement of higher intelligences of the divine plan the frequency of experiences appears to rapidly increase in concentrated space. To the individual ego mind there is a literal changing of the guard where the power it once had is removed. The pointed direction of expansion is raised up into the higher metaphysical dimensions of consciousness than is exhibited in the fifth dimension. The change or pattern of movement is similar to shifting keys within a musical composition where the appropriate scale adjusts slightly to be in concordance with the universal flow.

The first key change is the movement from the previous dominant, the left brain centered analytical third dimensional patriarch power over nature to right brain feminine based dreamtime of intuitive understanding and operation through pure emotion and understanding. The right brain movement into a new fundamental key changes to a melody of perceiving nature in harmony with intention and desire. This is the first step towards the telepathic consciousness of the fifth dimensional realm.

Mystical experience of empathic oneness will begin to occur within the timing of the sixth night of the Galactic Cycle of the Mayan Calendar. It will develop and proceed through that period into the first half of the ninth or universal underworld. After the midpoint of the Sixth Day there will be given a series of codes to unlock and release energy to see from a non-localized focus of multidimensional identities. This will be the most crucial path to walk into the multidimensional conscious awareness.

As time slows down and ceases it relates to new understanding of what the third dimensional realm is.

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