Be careful who you follow; August 13, 2023

1 year ago

Better be careful whose bandwagon y’all hop on… This is a Military Occupancy and Continuity of Government well-planned before the action of the Laws, Orders, and Missions went into play.

The Military Generals and everyone involved didn’t just drum this up in 2016 or ‘wing it.’

Everything is all outlined in Federal Continuity Directives, the Law of War Manual, Executive Orders, Acts, Codes, and in a chronological order.

Maybe “Dr. Jan” can explain why she’s all of a sudden trying to stay relevant when she was never 100% pro-Trump as many of us have been with zero wishy-washy comments.

It would be different if a person was more in a bigger limelight in a position that would be justifiable for a key piece of an operation of this complexity, but not someone like this.

This would be like me not supporting CIC Trump then all of a sudden for the sake others already putting this information out... being in a position because I formerly worked for him, to get on bigger platforms, to say this to receive more attention.

Too many “Republicans” and "Conservatives" by definition not heart are trying to stay relevant and make a name by riding CIC Trump’s coattails simply because they previously “worked” for him, in politics and D.C. for “years,” and all kinds of other things they can comb over people’s heads because they weren't very well known with no much of a background.

At August 2023... 7.5 years into this Operation... the timing of this smells like a low level RINO trying to stay relevant.

CIC Trump puts people in the limelight for a REASON... especially flip-floppers and double-crossers. It's a Special Operation for a reason.

You’re either for him or against him. No fence riding. Truth is always revealed, time will tell.

But I've always been for him. Never had to defend a comment like this. Have you?

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