We get what we cannot afford (The hidden treasure Matthew 13:44-46)

1 year ago

We get what we cannot afford (The hidden treasure Matthew 13:44-46)

Everyone loves to find a great deal where you have an opportunity to buy something that you couldn’t normally afford. I was recently able to get a shotgun that I had been eye bawling for a while because the website had it marked down drastically, and they were having a Christmas in July sale where you got 10% more of an already great deal. I was so excited when I saw the deal that I immediately messaged Shawnna and asked if I could pull the trigger and buy this gun, it was such a good price that there was no way she could say no. In the parables of the hidden treasure and the fine pearl there are two individuals who are seeking something that they really cannot afford, in fact the only way they can hope to obtain what they want is to sale everything they owned in a hope they would then have enough to purchase what they desired. The treasure in the field and the fine pearl was worth giving up everything they had just so they could obtain it, the Kingdom of Heaven is so much more valuable than earthly treasures. The great thing about receiving the Kingdom of heaven is that all of us are going to receive something that is completely and totally out of realm of possibility, it is out of our league.

The kingdom of Heaven is so far out of all our possibilities that the wealthiest humans alive can afford a reservation there because all the money in the world could not pay for it. The payment for a reservation in the kingdom of heaven requires the shedding of righteous blood, something that none of us have. The only one ever to walk the face of the earth with sinless blood is Jesus Christ, and He willingly and lovingly shed it so we could have a place in His kingdom. We get something we cannot afford because He accepted the punishment that He did not earn, He died for our sins. There is nothing we can do to earn heaven; it is only by the sacrifice of Jesus Christ that any of us have any hope of obtaining it. This is why it is worth forsaking everything that we have ever known or loved to obtain a place in this Kingdom. We cannot hold on to the things of this world and expect to have a place in the Kingdom of Heaven, our loyalty must be completely and solely to its King, Jesus Christ. We must submit ourselves completely to follow and love our Savior, while doing everything in our power to introduce others to His loving mercy

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