Lib Relationship Advice; L.A.-area Crime/Fallout | Mon. 8-14-23

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"Fatherly" web article on relationship "direction" prompts a couple great calls! Stolen catalytic converters! Monterey Park Asian shooting fallout.

The Hake Report, Monday, August 14, 2023 AD

0:00:00 Start / Topics (not all covered)
0:03:59 Hey, guys! Under Armour USA flag tee
0:06:20 Ben Stein on Trump indictment(s)
0:10:45 Relationship direction
0:26:56 Hassan on relationships, movies
0:33:56 STEVE, NJ: "cheating": confess, or no?
0:42:43 TJ, UK: Men the woman's "god"
0:59:59 Sundown Motel - Stavesacre (1999, Speakeasy)
1:06:22 Supers: Lin Yen Chin re: JLP, feelings, free fill
1:13:19 Azusa/Glendora teens stole catalytic converters
1:21:31 Monterey Park Asian shooting: mental health, "gun violence"
1:40:34 Biden: "No comment" on Maui fire death toll / response?
1:50:51 Climate scare control freaks: WHO, UN, etc.
1:55:53 Thanks, all! Call me tomorrow!
1:56:48 Chicken Lips - Mary Rice Hopkins (1991, Good Buddies)


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