Ezekiel Message -7.20.23

1 year ago

Ezekiel Message-7.20.23

August 11th, 2023

Mother Clare: So, you are seeing an island. Is it merged or has it been there?

Father Ephraim: It keeps moving from place to place in the ocean.

Mother Clare: It keeps moving from place to place in the ocean. Ok, go ahead.

Father Ephraim: First thing He said was, “No man or woman is an island.”

Mother Clare: The Holy Spirit said that.

Father Ephraim: Yeah.

Mother Clare: Ok.

Father Ephraim: And until that island is stopped and stationery, it will always wander from place to place, so too with our souls. We will never be stable until we rest in the Lord, full confidence, but particularly honoring and being honest with the Lord about your prayer times, otherwise you are just that island, shifting from place to place. You might even live in the same house, but in your spirit and your soul, there is a restlessness. There is a-things happen-people call, knock on the door, you go to the store, and the intention is, ‘Well, I will pray when I get back,’ but ‘When I get back’ sometimes never happens, because the day just gets busier.

Father Ephraim continues: But please, consider taking at least one day a week and make that a ‘retreat day’ and be honest with that before the Lord so that your life can be stable and balanced and, in your heart, you will not be wandering in your heart here, there and everywhere and you will be stable in your heart and mind and your spirit and your soul will not be restless anymore. Stay in your prayer place, eat, drink what you need to, and do not judge anyone, but please be honest, please be honest. We have to remember the minute we open our eyes; we truly are in the presence of the Lord.

You would never have a visitor and completely ignore Him all day long, and into the night. Poor Jesus! He waits and waits and waits and He gets the last part of your day when your eyes are falling asleep and your mind suddenly slows down, gradually. I keep hearing Him, “Say this please, say this please.”

Mother Clare: What?

Father Ephraim: AllI keep hearing Him say is “Please”–
All He keeps saying, He said, “Please, stay here with Me, and stop your wandering.” All I can tell you is, put the cell phone away, you do not have to answer it, turn the computer off. I know some of you have children and spouses, and I know that you are tired from taking care of your husband and children, but this is not a time to run to the store and go shopping, or picnics and things like that, you know, it is not a season of busy activity. In this season, He is asking us to comfort Him and to comfort the souls out there, even in Purgatory, those who are most forgotten.

Father Ephraim continues: Maybe after three days already, everyone forgets and goes on with their lives, and these souls have no one to pray for them. Invite them to your meals-Breakfast, lunch, dinner, snacks-Honor our Daddy, our Jesus and the Holy Spirit, the Blessed Mother and Saint Joseph, and all the angels and saints, all the hosts in Heaven. Join with them, pray with them, and I promise you, if you are faithful to a true time of prayer, without wandering away from Him for little things-everyone can wait, and everything can wait. But please do not-do not make Him wait, He is your guest, please do not ignore our Jesus, or run to other things, but spend quality time with Him.

I love you all, I pray the same thing for myself and all of us here on the mountain. I pray that the Lord would settle on you with His own peace, so that your heart is not divided anymore, between the world and Him. Your mind is not cluttered with thoughts of what to do and where to go, you know, baby showers and graduations and who knows what. Take something into your prayer time, some coffee, whatever you-take something to eat and drink, go to the bathroom.

And try to make sure you go to bed early at night so that you are well rested, because He is-He is there with you. Love Him, hold Him, comfort Him, and most of all, let Him hold you. Find that sweet, sweet, sweet place of peace and love and contentment fulfillment in Him being in you and with you.

You are all in my prayers and thank you so much for your prayers.

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