1 year ago

The Worlds Famous Popular Beverage Gatorade Is Shown In Research To Trigger Inflammatory Bowel Infections And Diseases—<>—
Gatorade Contains—ALLURA RED 40 DYE—Which Known For Causing Inflammatory Bowel Disease In Humans—…—
Allura Red 40 Is In The Trix Cereal~Fruity Pebbles~Doritos And Drinks Like Fanta
Any Foods In The Grocery Store That Are Processed With An Ingredient Label With A Red Or Purple Color Contains RED 40 In It—…—
Which Is The Most Commonly Used FOOD~DYE In Food Supply That Is Also Banned In England And Switzerland—<>—
Gatorade With Other Processed Foods And Drinks Were Not Meant For Consumption…

White Hats Military Tribunal On 165 Treasonous Dark Hat Soldiers💂⚖️🧑‍🚀🐝

The United States Navy Judge Admiral General’s Corps will jointly try the 165 Fort Drum soldiers at Camp Blaz next month for accepting bribes in exchange for misplaced loyalties and swearing to support and defend a fraudulent president instead of the United States Constitution. The official charges include dereliction of duty, aiding and abetting the enemy, conspiracy to commit insurrection, conspiracy to commit fratricide, and treason.

If collectively found guilty of treason, they will indeed be hanged.

JAG chose the contemporaneous route because the sudden arrival of 165 enemy combatants has created a logistical nightmare, and because trying 165 privates, specialists, and sergeants individually would take an eternity and consume cell space needed for “soon arriving VIPs,” a source at Camp Blaz told Real Raw News.

Blaz’s detention center has 360 habitable cells, grim, stone boxes with beds made of steel mesh, and a modernized cell block with some amenities of a minimum-security, white-collar, federal penitentiary—expeditious medical care, central air conditioning, tastier meals, a robust library, and no water boardings. In either case, prisoners stay segregated.

“No communal meals. No communal exercise. No communal showers. We don’t want these slimes conspiring to riot. We reserve the nicer cells for prisoners most likely to cooperate, you know, slippery weasels who’d scream in pain if they stubbed a toe. Right now, we’re near maximum occupancy,” our source said.

Although Blaz, which White Hats seized earlier this year, has undergone substantial renovation, staff weren’t prepared to accommodate an additional 165 people on short notice. Besides the renegade soldiers, Blaz’s current guests include vaccine-loving medical professionals and many of the 175 unnamed prisoners who arrived by ship in May.

“If I called the shots, we’d take these sickos, pedos, and traitors 10 miles out and throw them all overboard. Watch them flailing in the water,” our source said.

He added that Admiral Crandall decided to shelter the traitorous soldiers at Blaz.

“Since they all face identical charges and will get tried together, that’s what the admiral wanted,” he said.

He elaborated on the soldiers’ ranks: 56 PFCs, 90 Spec-4s, 15 E-5s, 3 E-6s, and an undisciplined E-7 whose relentless demands to speak with his commanding officer or Lloyd Austin have staff weighing whether to bag and gag him until the trial is held and a verdict rendered.

All but one of the detainees will remain in their cells when Rear Admiral Jonathan T. Stephens presides over a case that will surely test his mettle. His prosecutorial experience at military tribunals is limited to the case of JAG Vs. Zucker, on which he scored a conviction but not the death sentence for which he had hoped.

The designee will sit beside a JAG-appointed defense attorney and have an opportunity to dispute the evidence and raise relevant objections.

“We can’t fit 165 defendants in court—it would be a clusterf***,” our source said. “It’s too bad we don’t have 165 gallows to hang them simultaneously,” our source said.

The soldiers’ ringmasters—Major Dunbar and CSM Mobarakzadeh—will be tried individually on a yet-to-be-determined date.

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