Six Afghans drown. What happened to the resettlement scheme?

1 year ago

The Afghan Resettlement Scheme is supposed to provide a safe, legal route for asylum, so why did six drown getting here?
Right, so whilst the media during parliamentary recess fixate on pointless stories, such as Sunak blowing 15 grand at Disneyland and Starmer apparently handing out leaflets to look for a lost dog, we are reminded it is what they call silly season, a time of low news content so journo’s apparently need to scrabble around looking for news stories. Normally they’re so good at making them up though, if Corbyn was looking for a lost dog as a certain John McDonnell has quipped this morning, they’d have implied they’d have implicated Corbyn in a dognapping incident. The fact is though, there is real news happening, they just aren’t very interested in it, so it’s up to others to spell it out. You might have heard that 6 migrants attempting to get here to seek asylum drowned in the Channel yesterday. What you might not have heard is that all 6 of them were Afghan’s and Afghan’s are supposed to be benefitting from a resettlement scheme here following the end of the Afghanistan War, so why are Afghan’s having to use the small boats and having to use the people traffickers to get here when we’re supposed to literally be rescuing them and taking a requisite number of them here? You’ll never see a Ukrainian having to get here the same way, their safe and legal route to seek asylum here exists and works, so why is the Afghan one failing, especially since it has been in place for longer? Well firstly we have to remember that the Afghan Resettlement scheme offer we in the UK made was pathetic to begin with. After 20 years in Afghanistan fighting the Taliban before the West decided it was collectively bored now, the arms manufacturers had made enough money, time to go home and leave a mess behind, the UK made the measly offer to take 5,000 Afghan refugees in here every year for four years totalling 20,000 people. Quite how people were supposed to survive the Taliban for years ongoing was never really made clear, answers on a postcard please if you can answer that one. We were supposed to prioritise those who had directly assisted British forces, those who served out country, interpreters, teachers, informants whatever. Other countries did far more than us, far more quickly, we were hardly covering ourselves in empathetic glory here. Now the Afghan Scheme to get here itself works in three ways, three pathways, or is supposed to anyway. Pathway one was leave to remain for people from Afghanistan who were already here, so this was a classic Tory pull a fast one moment, but just granting asylum to Afghan’s who had already arrived here under their own steam and by their own steam you can imagine how they did that. Pathway two was to accept people referred to this country by the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, so people in refugee camps could apply and be settled here with UN help.


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