1 year ago

In Islam, the concept of the end of the world is known as "Yawm al-Qiyamah" or "The Day of Judgment." It is a significant belief shared by Muslims that signifies the ultimate culmination of human history and the final reckoning of all individuals by Allah (God). The specifics of this event are described in Islamic scripture, primarily the Quran and the Hadith (sayings and actions of the Prophet Muhammad).

Here are some key beliefs and events associated with the end of the world according to Islam:

Resurrection: On the Day of Judgment, Allah will resurrect all humans who have ever lived, restoring their bodies and souls. This resurrection will happen regardless of the state of decay or disintegration of the bodies.

Gathering and Presentation: All individuals, from the beginning of humanity until the end, will be gathered together for judgment. Each person's deeds, intentions, and actions will be laid bare before Allah.

Book of Deeds: It is believed that everyone's actions have been recorded by angels throughout their lives. These records, known as the "Book of Deeds," will be presented on the Day of Judgment. People will be judged based on their intentions and deeds, and their faith in Allah.

Scale of Justice: Good deeds and bad deeds will be weighed on a divine scale. Those with more good deeds will find their scale tilted towards salvation, while those with more bad deeds will face a difficult outcome.

Accountability: People will be accountable for their actions, words, and even thoughts. Allah's justice is considered perfect and impartial.

Intercession: Some righteous individuals, including prophets and martyrs, may be granted the ability to intercede on behalf of others to lessen their punishment.

Heaven and Hell: Individuals will be judged and rewarded or punished accordingly. Believers who have lived righteous lives and followed Allah's guidance will be rewarded with eternal paradise (Jannah), while those who rejected faith and persisted in wrongdoing will face eternal punishment in hellfire (Jahannam).

The Antichrist (Dajjal): Islamic tradition also speaks of the emergence of a false messianic figure known as the Dajjal, who will spread deceit and disbelief before the Day of Judgment.

Signs of the Hour: The Quran and Hadith describe various signs that will precede the Day of Judgment, including societal and natural upheavals, moral degradation, and other extraordinary events.

It's important to note that interpretations of these events may vary among different Islamic scholars and communities. The concept of the end of the world in Islam emphasizes the importance of living a righteous and purposeful life, in accordance with the teachings of Islam, in order to attain salvation in the hereafter.

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