Natalie Goldberg - The Future of Mental Health & Wellness

1 year ago

I'm a nurse and l've seen all types of bodies and illnesses and because we have bloated up on a western diet and pharmaceuticals, mixing those with natural remedies could make a person sick- as much as they are sick when they strip sugar from their diet. Not all body types or histories are the same but everyone deserves the same treatment benefits. So we have to diesect the possibilities in a trial, with all efforts of creating a greatly diverse pool of patient subjects..
As nurse turned writer and psychedelic guide, I'm passionate about mental health and wellness. My personal experiences have led me to explore alternative forms of healing, including cannabis and psilocybin. Prior to discovering plant medicines, I completed a degree in Fine Arts. Photographing weddings became short-lived.
went on to earn my Nursing degree and worked as a caregiver for children with complex medical needs, then into pediatric psych, finalizing in adult psych. Through my work, I discovered my calling to be a guide to others, whether as a nurse or as a friend.

Recently, I've shifted my focus to writing about the benefits of cannabis and psychedelics, and have been published in the esteemed publication, Psychedelic Support.
As a health promoter, I'm dedicated to helping others explore the potential of these transformative medicines, especially in the context of mental health and trauma.
Please check out my website where I carry on with terrible marketing, yet with genuine desire to help. Thanks for reading all this!
P.s. if I appear pedantic, it is not coming from a place of extreme confidence, believe me, rather, a place of so much love and neurodivergence. Thank you!

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