Jackasses bray while the country burns

1 year ago

Difficile est saturam non scribere - Juvenal, Roman Poet 60-130 AD
It is difficult not to write satire

I was put in mind of that this week when we learned that the estimable and honorable Merrick Garland had appointed the nearly as estimable and almost equally honorable David Weiss as special counsel to investigate Hunter Biden.

Upon hearing this I was also somewhat inexplicably put in mind of a braying jackass.

More and more this is the sound I hear when anyone from the Biden Administration speaks. From the Big Guy himself to Merrick Garland to Karin Jean Pierre, all of their words in all of their voices have, for me blended into a kind of shrill cacophony of mendacity, a corrupt and calligulous collection of braying nonsense served up by crap weasels.

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