Importance of human life

1 year ago

Second Annual Report on Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada 2020

Second Annual Report on Medical Assistance in Dying

Based on these regulations;

Significant collaboration between federal, provincial and territorial levels of government, as well as practitioners and pharmacists has permitted the collection, verification and accuracy of the data contained in this report.

The number of medically assisted deaths continues to increase in 2020

In 2020, there were 7,595 cases of MAID reported in Canada, accounting for 2.5% of all deaths in Canada.

The number of cases of MAID in 2020 represents a growth rate of 34.2% over 2019.

All provinces experienced a steady year over year growth during 2020.

Total number of medically assisted deaths reported in Canada since the enactment of federal legislation in mid-2016 is 21,589

Profile of MAID recipients

Men 51.9%

Women 48.1%

Average age, 75.3 years

Cancer, 69.1%

Chronic respiratory conditions, 11.3%

Neurological conditions, 10.2%

The majority of MAID recipients received palliative care and disability support services

88.5% were reported to have had access to these services had they wished

43.6% of MAID recipients were reported as requiring disability support services

Primary care physicians remain as the principal MAID providers, but the administration of MAID has shifted to home-based settings

1,345 unique practitioners administered MAID in Canada

94.7% of providers were physicians

5.3% of providers were nurse practitioners

68.1% of cases of MAID were administered by a family physician

The most commonly cited intolerable physical or psychological suffering

Loss of ability to engage in meaningful activities, 84.9%

Loss of ability to perform activities of daily living, 81.7%

The Honourable Patty Hajdu, Minister of Health

As Minister of Health, I am proud to present Health Canada's Second Annual Report on Medical Assistance in Dying (2020).

Superior Court of Québec's September 2019 ruling, struck down the MAID eligibility requirement that a person's natural death must be reasonably foreseeable.

Third annual report on Medical Assistance in Dying in Canada 2021
2021, 10,064 MAID provisions reported in Canada,
accounting for 3.3% of all deaths in Canada.
The number of cases of MAID in 2021 represents a growth rate of 32.4% over 2020.
All provinces continue to experience a steady year over year growth.

September 2022

Trudo Lemmens, health law specialist, University of Toronto

“What was originally conceived as an exceptional practice in medicine has quickly become normalised”

“Even before the law is set to be expanded to include mentally ill patients, we already have worryingly high numbers of people dying,”

Argues that Canada's approach is far more permissive than comparator nations, including Belgium and the Netherlands.

“We've failed to sufficiently safeguard against the medicalisation of ageing.”

The new law enacted last year stipulates that, starting in March, 2023, MAID will be expanded to include patients with mental illnesses.

First deaths expected 17th march 2024

Senator Babet, live birtha

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