Precision Woodworking square review 600mm.

1 year ago

Precision Woodworking square review 600mm.

This was gifted to me by Banggood for review. Link(s) below.
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In short if it was shit, Id say, i wasn't paid to say it was good - just asked to be honest and I like good tools!

If you’re feeling kind and would like to support me;

VEIKO 600mm Aluminum Alloy Carpenter Square -

I don't need to try another, or brand if its square its square, if its built well its built well.
Does a tool do the job, well some do, some don't do it so well - but we're talking about a reference tool, simply do you have a spot on 90 degree square, thats what is important, nothing else.

Having measurements on a square is kinda redundant IMO, often measuring is where human error is introduced - working relatively is by far the better way of working.

I'm really waking up to the BS prices from western companies having actually tried said Chinesium tools... Yeah, me-lov-it-long-time..! Full Metal Jacket quote before some bell ends get their knickers in a twist.

#hewandawe #woodworking

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