League of Legends - Daily ARAM - Twitch

1 year ago

Graves, Twitch, Maokai, Xin Zhao, and Syndra

Galio, Yorick, Veigar, Kalista, and Aphelios

0:00 Start
0:18 First Blood Fight
Xin Zhao went in deep too early. I should have helped but I was doing introductions =/. Graves was just coming from base too.

2:20 First Death
Got snowballed so I couldn't run away from death.

5:18 First T1 Tower Destroyed - Red
8:36 T2 Tower and Inhib Destroyed - Red
10:47 Nexus Towers Destroyed
11:10 Aphelios not looking behind for me
Kept fooling around their base and we didn't end.

12:48 Spray and Pray
Started putting holes in everyone so they charged at me under tower which led to an Ace for us. Penta for Graves

13:00 Graves Pentakill
Opponents Surrender.

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