DIY Cheap Leads ❓ 90% Close Rate

1 year ago

You want hot leads with near 90% close rate. You can do this on your own without having to hire a marketing agency, without having to rely on your company for providing leads. You can do this yourself. Yes, the individual salesperson or owner, your whole team can do it. These letters, I'm gonna show you exactly how they work and how folks like Jerome have made multi-millions in just one year using direct mail like this.

Here's how it's gonna work. Your mailbox is gonna get a whole bunch of mail. So we grab it and is this how you go through your mail? We take a look and we say, this is marketing, so we're gonna throw that one in the garbage. And this is marketing, so we're gonna throw that in the garbage. This is marketing.

Throw that in the garbage eye exam, reminder garbage, and then all of a sudden, that was pretty sweet. I didn't even plan that. Then we get this personal letter that stands out from the rest, so we decide to keep this one marketing, garbage. Marketing garbage marketing, garbage and garbage. And then I, my curiosity is peaked, because you know it's a personal letter.

Who sends those? Open it up. Bingo. Hot letter hot leads coming to you with near 90% close rate.

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