1 year ago

International Homeless Animals’ Day on the third Saturday in August focuses on the pet overpopulation problem and how to help solve it.

Sadly, over 70 million homeless animals fill shelters in the United States. Unfortunately, the epidemic expands beyond our borders. Many countries around the globe face extreme homelessness among domesticated animals. In Europe, approximately 100 million abandoned and homeless animals roam the streets. Most of these homeless animals are dogs and cats. On a global scale, 600 million dogs seek homes or wander the streets.

However, organizations step up to reduce the number of homeless, find homes and prevent the population from increasing. Through events designed to educate and increase awareness, groups provide several opportunities for people to get involved. Some of the people who get involved include animal protection organizations, celebrities, and even people like you and me. That means anyone concerned with the welfare of animals. As the day sheds light on the problem of pet overpopulation, it also promotes the importance of spaying or neutering.

International Homeless Animals’ Day has an enormous reach. Over 50 countries and 6 continents observe the day. In the United States, all 50 states and the District of Columbia hold events in honor of the observance.

HOW TO OBSERVE #InternationalHomelessAnimalsDay
The International Society for Animal Rights (ISAR) plans many events each year for this special day. Some include adopt-a-thons, spay/neuter clinics, dog walks, and various fundraisers. However, they also hold a special candlelight vigil to memorialize animals that have died because of pet overpopulation.

When considering bringing a new pet into your life, keep this day in mind. Also, if you’re concerned about the pet population, consider participating. Here are some things you can do to observe the day:

Commit to volunteering at your local animal shelter
Adopt a homeless cat or dog
Start raising money for your local animal shelter
Educate others on the importance of spaying/neutering
Encourage people to adopt a pet rather than buy one
Use #InternationalHomelessAnimalsDay to share on social media.

In 1959, the ISAR was founded. It may be the first-ever animal rights organization in the world. Those who organized the ISAR aimed to hold humans accountable for the needless suffering and exploitation of animals. Since then, the ISAR has been involved in several animal rights issues. The ISAR worked to increase penalties for those who abuse animals. Another area of focus includes stopping pet shops from selling animals and ending online sales of cats and dogs.

In 1992, the ISAR observed the first International Homeless Animals’ Day to bring awareness to the increasing numbers of homeless animals. Very simply, ISAR believes spaying and neutering solve the pet overpopulation problem.

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