RICCARDO BOSI RAGE CLIP "Take the Jab, Wear the Mask and Fucking Die !!!"

1 year ago

In a June 14th 2022 "Voice of Freedom" video (link below) Riccardo Bosi and Carl Liebold discuss topics related to the state of affairs in Australia.

Liebold raises the topic of being compassionate and showing empathy to Australians who were coercively jabbed. He stresses understanding on the part of those who were awake to the agenda being played out and says "we can't just sit back and go hah hah hah, we were right..."

Whilst Bosi agrees to this and says "the unvaccinated are the compassionate ones..." shortly thereafter, he goes on an expletive filled rant about Tesla drivers, people using iPhones and "computers" and declares that as a result of using products containing cobalt, Australians are "immoral."

Bizarrely, Bosi says this while lounging back on an office chair made in China whilst taking part in a video conference call made possible with a desktop "computer" no doubt utilising some form of child labour in the the supply chain of some component.

Disturbingly, Bosi further tells his viewers that people should "wear the mask, take the jab and fucking die"

This video is evidence of the double-standards at play in the Australia One theatrical social media production, and that Bosi himself is an unhinged boomer with no sense of what he is saying from one moment to the next.

Original Video Links and Information

Video title = Voice of Freedom | Carl Liebold Riccardo Bosi "Truth Tuesday" 14th June 2022
Video caption = "Get set for another does of truth from one of Australia's most respected members of the freedom movement: RICCARDO BOSI"

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