New Ruby Space Triangles AS-SEEN-ON-TV Ultra- Premium Hanger Hooks Triple Closet Space 18 Value...

1 year ago
9 - New Ruby Space Triangles AS-SEEN-ON-TV Ultra- Premium Hanger Hooks Triple Closet Space 18 Value Pack, Black, 2 in.

sturdy construction. Easily slides in place over thick hangers. Will hold 2 wire hangers on one holder. I had to rearrange the closet as the clothes that I used with this product hung lower and were touching the shelf below.
Using these added extra space in my closet.
I was skeptical about these when I ordered them, but after having received them, I will say they do help free-up a lot of horizontal space.
Because the hangers are no longer next to one and other, there is more space on the hanger bar by using these.However, to get this magical... #coupon

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