1 year ago

A Special Security Force officer was called and led to a Casino where he met a man claiming he had been on death row and needing a ride to Cottonwood. The exact words were to a professional infiltrator who got his start working for the Feds over a bank in Price Utah. The man agreed to give the man a ride to Cottonwood where he was lured out into the woods by individuals claiming they had drugs. The man commanded special forces in Arizona taking down drug cartel and went along to see how far the rabbit hole the path pulling him in went. Like Bill Clinton, he faked the puff and got in discovering who was calling in the hit. Witnesses state the tent would bust into flames after the agent left on several occasions. All reports indicate someone used a directed energy weapon in Cottonwood on a professional infiltrator for Special Security Force. The Special Security Force Captain took the Federal badge used to lure him in before the heat started.

The Facebook of these people have the worm in the eye, something that happened to Carleen Hoschouer. People fear the worst. They kept targeting with dope and all kinds of things, getting people fired, setting people up, terrible. You will at least know some stood and fought until the end but someone called a hit... If they did it once it will go on...
The fact these people are showing what they are doing before hand and after says it all...

Notice how they burned all around the guy they have targeted...

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