RICCARDO BOSI "ALL IN" ON QANON -- White Hats, Black Hats, Trump and Military Worship

1 year ago

This video featured on Bosi's Telegram page recently and exposes Riccardo Bosi and his social media channel Australia One as "all in" on the debunked QAnon psyop.

In the video, Bosi claims the following, without evidence or anything substantial to back it up --

1. The Q movement apparently kicked off after the death of JFK back in the 1960's
2. The movement apparently discussed a military coup d'état but ultimately decided against it
3. Bosi further admits when he was formulating a plan to "take back the country" he also considered a coup d'état but determined that it would be counterproductive
4. Allegedly, the Q movement (that supposedly began in the 60's) chose to go with the slow burn method by working undercover
5. Bosi alleges there are 200-300 white hat operatives drawn from the Marines and the Navy
6. Bosi further alleges these 200-300 control many other people and aspects of defence and intelligence etc.
7. Bosi picks up a copy of "law of war" and alleges these white-hats are following this document to the book
8. Bosi alleges Trump is "still the president"
9. Bosi quotes failed country singer Derek Johnson as supporting "evidence"
10. Bosi also claims the military "holds the final cards in their hands," whatever that is supposed to mean
11. Bosi claims the Q movement admirals and generals "recruited" Trump and instructed him to win the presidency to work with them
12. Trump allegedly agreed to this and said "OK let's go..."
13. Even though the Q movement has apparently existed since the 1960's, Bosi claims they "cannot act without his [Trumps'] authority"
14. Bosi further says "if you look carefully online... General Mattis and his senior officers... they were all holding a mug, and guess what letter of the alphabet was on that mug?"
15. Bosi then smugly laughs and says "so this is real..."

With respect to point 14 above, there is a Reddit post showing that the image Bosi alludes to has been photoshopped and is not legitimate, see the first link below. What a shame Riccardo Bosi is too dumb to do actual "research" and figure this out himself.

It's obvious to any objective viewer that Bosi has checked his brain at the door and blindly signed up for the hopium of the QAnon movement. I will add that it's sad to see someone with obvious potential selling out to what many have branded an extremist cult.


➀ "Qultists using photoshopped images of soldiers with "Q" on coffee cups as proof Trump controls the military"

➁ "These QAnon Predictions All Failed To Come True"

➂ "Here is every QAnon prediction that’s failed to come true"

➃ Wikipedia QAnon



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